viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Comenius Team

Here is part of the Comenius team who are going to work on our Comenius project. Some of them met in Cyprus and the rest have all met in Odense, Denmark. We hope this is the beginning of a great collaboration together.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Winner of the logo competition

This is the logo which has won the logo competition within our Comenius project. This will be the image of our project for the next two years. It was made by Ana Belén Hernández, a student of 1º Bachillerato in Colegio Antonio de Nebrija in Spain. Congratulations.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013


This is the blog of the Comenius Project "Footprints". Here you will discover everything about our fascinating project between Denmark, Finland Wales and Spain.